Interactive whiteboard training
Dave used Interactive Whiteboards (SmartBoards) in his teaching to great effect, and when he runs training he focusses on the pedagogic reasons for doing things, rather than just the technical side of using the different functions
All of the sessions are very hands on, with staff getting maximum time working with the board, or on computers developing resources that are to be used with the board
These sessions can be run for any time duration between 1 hour and half a day
Examples (not exclusive) of ideas that will be covered in the sessions are:
- Basic orientation around the board.
- Basic functions such as writing, drawing, saving, moving etc.
- Finding and using multimedia with the board.
- Importing and exporting existing resources
- Why and when to use the interactive board.
- Using the board with other applications.
- Designing and developing basic teaching resources to be used with the board.
- Finding and using resources on the Internet.
- Using the advanced features of the hardware/software
- Designing, creating and re-purposing more advanced teaching resources to be used with the board.
- Different delivery styles when using the board with learners.
- Critically evaluating which tools to use when working with an Interactive Whiteboard
Session details
- Sectors: Nursery/Primary, Secondary, FE, HE, Commercial.
- Session Duration: Short, Half day.
- Target audience: Teaching, Classroom support, Learning Technologists.